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Friday, October 26, 2012

My Recollections......

My father's favourite food of all time and last 20th of October, 2012, my cell-group members spent each other DIM SUM at Dim Dim Sum Yi Cafeteria in Rawang near Paparich at 7.30 am early in the morning. We had a swell time and fun talking, chit-chating and over the years I will remember this day, because the food was great and I ate well ! Thanks to Sister Kwei-Yee who paid the Bill - May God Bless her always !

"I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's NOT the answer." - says Jim Carrey.

SO TRUE ........!


This is a very CLOSE UP LOOK on me, my face, my pain, my tears, and my agony....... No worries, finally I can say that I looked BEAUTIFUL ........!!!!!!!!!

With GOD behind me and His ARMS beneath me, I can face whatever lies ahead of me. TRUST IN THE LORD AT ALL TIMES !

My HIDING PLACE through the years and I still am sitting and lying down on this couch. My pride and solitude.....

My Last Photo, a Clown Girl to drown my sorrows of depression, but I have learnt the art of fighting depression through the years that I am alive and am with GOD.....

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I MUST BE CRUEL, ONLY TO BE KIND....This happened to me and my two children.

This element I want to discuss digresses slightly from the chapter, but the chapter would not be complete without it. The question is, while we are dealing with the topic of killer instinct, when do we stop exercising the killer instinct and express our inborn human compassion? As William Shakespeare said in Hamlet, " I must be cruel, only to be kind." You should never stop exercising your compassion. Have love in your heart, but be smart and express your compassion with restraint and detachment. Every human being has the desire to be abundantly generous and to give freely. This includes love, compassion, respect, and material possessions. Deep down, as children of our Divine Maker, we all wish to perform our labor free of charge, solely as an expression of love. At the same time, we wish to reward others with an abundance beyond their possible expectations. Yet, the reality of daily survival causes too many people to feel contracted and fearful. Nevertheless, at one time of another, we have shared our resources with the needy beyond our reasonable capability.

In time, we notice, it is much easier to be compassionate and provide for the nameless and faceless needy persons than for those we consider to be our "special ones." This is because, through experience, we see our compassionate generosity often abused. It seems to some, the more you give them, the more you should give. These people act as if you owe them. Out of your desire to be kind, you expose yourself without a protective shield. Strange but true, we often abuse those who support and love us the most.

Beth and Lisa have known each other more than twenty years. Lisa is a divorced woman and has lived alone for over ten years. Recently, Beth was informed by her husband that he wanted out of their marriage. Beth moved in with Lisa while Beth's house was being sold. Lisa was sympathetic to Beth and wanted to help her all she could. She let Beth stay with her free of charge, in order to cut down Beth's living expenses. Lisa opened her arms and heart to a wounded friend. She catered to Beth's every need. Beth moved out six months later, and the two of them have not spoken since. Lisa feels hurt and abused by this incident. She told me, "I opened my heart and my wallet too quickly and without reserve. I gave everything up front. I could not top my own performance, but Beth's expectations were ever-rising." ( THIS EXACTLY HAPPENED TO ME AND MY TWO SONS  AND MY EX-HUSBAND ALSO ).

In order to be kind, we have to be cruel. A Thick Face, Black Heart practitioner learns the necessity of restraint and controls his desire to be overly expressive of his compassion. Compassion is a state of mind, not a blind competition over how much you can do for others or for your own sons. Often, in order to be kind, we have to control our desire to do too much. Along the same lines, good parents learn the importance of controlling their urge to overly indulge and pamper their children. They know that they must be cruel, only to be kind. ):

Sunday, February 12, 2012

FEBRUARY 14th tomorrow, it's VALENTINE'S DAY ~ My husband has never celebrated Valentine's Day for me or with me for the past 12 years of my marriage to him. )=

IT'S A NEW BEGINNING. For me. I am generally a very romantic kind of person. I assume every girl in town IS. Every special person on this earth LONGS to be loved, to be appreciated, and spent time with in words of love.....especially during Valentine's Day, February 14th, tomorrow. Even my mom doesn't get pampered after SERVING for over 40 years of her marriage but she gets loads of her money to spend on food !!!!!!

As you can see, VALENTINE'S DAY is anything that comes from the HEART. Someone who is ROMANTIC can do it. The only case these days is that men don't see it from their hearts, they are not romantic. It is SO HARD to find a romantic guy these days, even if you find one, he'll probably be categorized as CASANOVA.  Believe it or not, a kind gesture, you don't even have to spend money on this day is so very important for the women, for the girl because it shows that you CARED. And that comes from the heart. Say it, be it unpeachey, I LOVE YOU, and loads of action to it to mark this auspicious day of blessing that comes especially from the heart..... Valentines Day MUST and MUST be celebrated to mark each and every one of us womens' sacrifice to the nation, to the whole world.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

CHAP GOH MEH ( A WISH ON 6th February 2012, Monday ) - This morning I walked out and had an early breakfast of Tosai ($1.50), nasi lemak bungkus ($1.30) and teh O Ais Limau ($1.30) at Restoran Al-Bidayah.

My photos for CHAP GOH MEH was as below :

Early this morning, I walked out alone and "spent" myself RM4.10 of an indian breakfast. Quite a cheap breakfast compared to the picture above which I had dreamed of. I wish I had pictures of mandarin oranges to post but I could not find it inside the photobucket and I STILL do not own a camera, I think I might not be able to attain one for my entire life. Touch wood. Anyway, I shall have some wonderful selection of my pictures which are as above for your perusal to enjoy. Throwing oranges but instead I throw "flowers" into the sea as it's cleaner and cheaper and as memories which I do not want to keep. I wish to have better wishes to come such as MORE MONEY to enjoy for myself as I have SO LITTLE ! ( This is so true ! )

Everyone wants HAPPINESS, no one wants pain, BUT You can't have a rainbow, without a little rain. That's true. My WISH for Chap Goh Meh is that I may see my husband ONE more time eventhough he DOESN'T WANT TO ANSWER MY HANDPHONE AND PHONE CALLS, HE DID NOT ANSWER THE PHONE FOR TWO YEARS! - his reason is that I did not sleep with him, therefore I shall have no rights over his phone or less TALK to him , or he has no words to say or else he has NOTHING to say to me !!!!!!!

My mother does not want to pay ANYMORE visitations to my past life or previous home, my mother-in-law is in charge with her daughter and she has CHANGED the entire house !!!!!!! I have lost my kids but my children does not want me at all , they have their PLAY STATIONS to enjoy ! Well, GOOD BYE PAST and GOOD LUCK to MOVE ON with life.!!!!!!