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Friday, October 26, 2012

My Recollections......

My father's favourite food of all time and last 20th of October, 2012, my cell-group members spent each other DIM SUM at Dim Dim Sum Yi Cafeteria in Rawang near Paparich at 7.30 am early in the morning. We had a swell time and fun talking, chit-chating and over the years I will remember this day, because the food was great and I ate well ! Thanks to Sister Kwei-Yee who paid the Bill - May God Bless her always !

"I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's NOT the answer." - says Jim Carrey.

SO TRUE ........!


This is a very CLOSE UP LOOK on me, my face, my pain, my tears, and my agony....... No worries, finally I can say that I looked BEAUTIFUL ........!!!!!!!!!

With GOD behind me and His ARMS beneath me, I can face whatever lies ahead of me. TRUST IN THE LORD AT ALL TIMES !

My HIDING PLACE through the years and I still am sitting and lying down on this couch. My pride and solitude.....

My Last Photo, a Clown Girl to drown my sorrows of depression, but I have learnt the art of fighting depression through the years that I am alive and am with GOD.....