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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I got a job as a waitress on Thursday, the 15th. I started work on the 16th, 1 Malaysia Day and I have started working since. Today, Tuesday, the 20th, I'm OFF work, I'll be starting work at 12:30pm tomorrow. I enjoyed working and life has never been so GREAT! :)D

I have found myself a JOB and loving every minute and every second because I AM NOT SO BORED staying at home and lazing around aimlessly with no goal. I now have a goal in life with my mother, we are flying on an airplane NEXT YEAR!!!!!! Holiday trip after confirmation and 8 days annual leave. Once a year, to fly on an airplane!!!!!!! I am so EXCITED and thanking God and Praising the LORD! I can see myself not getting bored and fighting lethargy had me conquering for GOOD. I had been sitting for almost a year. And now I am immune to standing for long hours!

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